August 17, 2022

UFO Dictionary (21): paranoia – POCKETS

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:02 pm

The next set of definitions includes one that John never completed; he must have thought that “planetoid” should be mentioned, but hadn’t decided what to say about it.

As far as I know, there’s no such thing as a “true paranoid,” but many degrees and kinds of paranoids, who often resist neat human classification. Those who hear voices are generally defined as paranoid schizophrenics. The “plus machine” is new to me; maybe some reader more versed in the ufological literature knows where it came from. And I note that John’s edit in the definition for “pockets” changes it from a belief to a fact. That may be just a stylistic choice, to avoid having to qualify all these definitions, rather than an indication of his own acceptance.


  1. The “plus machine” is a kind of holographic projector and oldie timie computer box found in 1940s and 1950s encounters where a single person enters an apparently empty small saucer or cube shaped “spaceship”. It shows a 3-D or at least free floating picture above an electric brain in a box. It can change the picture it shows and in one New Mexico case it is implied it could be telepathic – or just very clever in how it anticipates the human’s reactions. There is something quite similar in the original pre-confabulation Adamski type encounters from the late 1940s and early 1950s as well, and the Canadian researcher Wilbert Smith received instructions on how to build one.

    Comment by WHITEFRANK — August 21, 2022 @ 8:22 pm

  2. The buy provigil in india plus machine as an old feature of the UFO world makes me think of how this phenomenon has changed over time. No more plus machines. No more “cloud cigars” (a type of UFO very common in Europe in the 1950s). Less contactee stuff from Venus and elsewhere. And fewer really good cases of the Travis Walton type (taken away in front of multiple witnesses). The best mass school sighting is not the Zimbabwe case of 1994 —already a pretty old case— but the Westall UFO incident in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia way back in April 1966. Far fewer abductions are reported, especially since about 2000. It’s as if the phenomenon peaked in the ’60s and ’70s and has been petering out since then. The population of the world is about twice what it was in the ’70s, there should be more cases just because of that. Plus the Pentagon admitted there is a real mystery. Yet the phenomenon remains muted.

    Comment by Mestiere — August 22, 2022 @ 10:22 am

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