September 30, 2019

A Letter From Coral Lorenzen, May 17, 1966

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can Lurasidone be bought over the counter Coral Lorenzen writes John a long letter, focusing on two famous cases. First she defends Villas-Boas’s account of his sexual experience with an alien, although she doesn’t really answer John’s questions about the different versions of it. Then she describes what later became known as the Cisco Grove Encounter, in which a hunter named Donald Shrum was besieged by a UFO on September 4, 1964. The “IGY photos” mentioned in the PPS were taken by Almirs Barauna in Trindade, Brazil, in January, 1958, during the International Geophysical Year.

September 22, 2019

A Letter from June Larson, a Letter to the Lorenzens

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:25 am

June Larson, an industrious UFO researcher, writes to John to fix a price for the material she’s sending him. She’s optimistic about the state of ufology, and hopes that John, Mort Young, and Major Keyhoe can encourage “serious research.”

John writes Jim and Coral Lorenzen, acknowledging a packet of photos they sent on the 12th. He’s intrigued by the Villas Boas story, but notes discrepancies between the report in Flying Saucer Review and the original interview with João Martins and APRO member Dr. Olavo Fontes. He also comments on Ms. Lorenzen’s article “The Reason?” in the November 1963 APRO Bulletin, which speculated that the military wanted to keep its knowledge of UFOs secret from the aliens, not from the public. (You can read the article here.)

ADDENDUM: By mistake, I originally identified Ms. Larson’s letter as one from Ms. Lorenzen. They were both sending John material for his proposed Playboy article at the time. My apologies!


September 15, 2019

Correspondence with Coral Lorenzen, May 12 & 13, 1966

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:05 pm

We continue with a brief exchange of letters between John and Coral Lorenzen, concerned mostly with photos and the problems of documenting sources. Noteworthy here is John’s first response to the account of Antônio Villas Boas (whom he calls Bolas, for some reason). Villas Boas was a Brazilian farmer who reported a sexual encounter with an alien; John and Coral discuss the case in more detail in later letters. Also to be noted is John’s mention of “Fuller’s second book.” That would be John Fuller’s book on Betty and Barney Hill, The Interrupted Journey, which would be summarized in Look, October 4 and 18, 1966, and published later that year.

September 9, 2019

A Letter to Mort Young, and a Decennial

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:16 pm

John writes to Mort Young, a reporter for the now defunct New York Journal-American, whose book UFO: Top Secret was to come out the next year. John hopes the “triumvirate” of the two of them and John Fuller “can succeed in breaking this case wide open.” The Mrs. Larson he mentions is June Larson, who sent him many UFO clippings.

I started this blog ten years ago; the first post was on September 6, 2009, a few months after John died. As a postscript, here’s a note he sent me in 1991, not long after we met, after seeing me perform a set at Caroline’s Comedy Club in NYC. Keep reading his books, Keel fans!

September 1, 2019

Correspondence with Coral Lorenzen, May 9 & 11, 1966

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:22 pm

In this next exchange with Coral Lorenzen, John acknowledges receipt of her packages, and worries that his mail is being opened. He mentions upcoming UFO books by John Fuller and Mort Young (The Interrupted Journey and UFO: Top Secret), and says he hopes they can “make UFOs as popular as the Beatles.” He discusses some new photos, and dismisses the ones that James McDivitt took on Gemini 4.

Lorenzen replies by advising John not to be paranoid about his mail. She reports that she and Jim watched “the CBS Schmear last night and were laughing ourselves sick afterwards.” That must have been UFO: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?, narrated by Walter Cronkite, which aired on May 10. She speculates about the aliens’ intentions, and recommends that UFO reporting concentrate on “the water-electricity reconnaissance,” also cautioning that “one sighting does not constitute evidence.”

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