October 10, 2021

The Answer (11)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:50 pm

Part 6 of “The Answer,” John’s private file of his conclusions about the UFO enigma, as of 1967, is only two pages. He describes the “Supreme Leader” and the leader’s identification as “God,” and speculates about the original and location of the Androids, stressing that “it is only a theory.” The questions he cites were asked in a number of questionnaires to “Apol,” communicated through Jaye Paro.





  1. That talk about their supreme leader being named “God” and living in their homeland once again made me think of the Hollow Earth and the underground kingdom of Agharta with its leader, the King of the World. From the point of view of somebody standing on the inner surface they would have to go down to come to the outer surface. Going to the inner surface would be ascending. Into Heaven?

    This time, instead of criticizing Keel, I’ll compliment him. He made a lot of mistakes and quit too soon but I think he got a lot of things right, even in this crazy document, The Answer. I’ll compare some of the things he says with Fortean phenomena that happens here in Puerto Rico. Most of us have never heard of Keel or read his books yet the phenomena that happens here resemble Keel’s writings quite closely. Let’s begin:

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    Our small, densely populated island has only one sparsely populated area, the El Yunque National Forest, a federal reserve of about 43 square miles. That area has been ground zero for Fortean phenomena in the island for generations. This is true despite the fact that El Yunque is a mayor tourist destination and is visited by thousands of people every day. Everything Fortean happens there, although mostly at night, after the tourists are gone. UFOs have been seen coming out of the ground and sinking into the ground. Sections of the forest have been seen to open up, showing buildings, people and machinery. Beams of light shine out of the forest at night into the sky. Yeti-like creatures have been seen many times. And then there’s the people who live there. They dress in robes down to their wrists and ankles, wear sandals and often have bald heads, like buddhist monks, walking in long lines toward caves. Another type look like albinos with sparse, thin, blondish or whitish hair, wearing black suits and wraparound black sunglasses. People have gotten lost for days in a forest that is no more than eight miles at its widest. They’ve reappeared miles away in places that would require them to cross through highly urbanized areas and busy thoroughfares. Yet the lost people remember only jungle. Gray aliens are seen quite often. And gatherings of tall, elegant looking, apparently naked self-luminous people, up to a hundred strong, have been seen. When people here are abducted by supposed aliens they almost always report that they are taken to a cave under the island or under the ocean. They almost never say they are taken to another planet.

    Phantom cops, phantom soldiers and other fake government agents

    For many years there have been a lot of encounters with mysterious uniformed armed men. People keep meeting these “soldiers” in El Yunque who are always trying to keep them from seeing something. Especially after a UFO sighting or crash (there have been several UFO crashes at El Yunque) but also for no obvious reason. There are no military bases in El Yunque nor any reason why there should be soldiers there. They are often rude and unprofessional. Their uniforms are odd, sometimes wearing camouflage with black baseball caps and weird insignia, with a meaningless acronym like NPEOV or some nonsense, or a little yellow triangle. They usually seem to be Puerto Ricans or Americans but in at least one incident the people that showed up looked foreign, including Asian-looking people, and spoke languages that were not Spanish or English. Sometimes they dress in black SWAT-style outfits without names or anything that can identify them, which is illegal. They drive black vans with tinted windows and license plates made up only of letters. Sometimes they pretend to be municipal cops, but they don’t have any jurisdiction on federal property or any reason to prevent tourists from seeing the reserve. Sometimes black helicopters are seen flying right above the “soldiers”. Helicopters are not allowed to fly over the forest because they can disturb the endangered species. In at least one case, in a different area of the island where UFO phenomena had just happened, a bunch of guys showed up in hazmat suits with a big white truck that said NASA on the side. I doubt NASA has any trucks on the island.

    Phantom airplanes, helicopters, giant birds

    UFOs seem to be surrounded by an energy field against which they project all sort of images. They have been seen to “turn” into helicopters, jet airplanes, giant birds and, if they are landed, buses and even small buildings. My favorite is one case that happened here on the island in the 1980s. A UFO was replaced with the image of a Pteranodon. The witnesses were shocked. They thought a window had opened in the sky to the Cretaceous and a pterosaur had flown in! Actually, what they were seeing was the energy field around the craft —the field looked like a purple circle— and from the inside the UFO projected a picture of the Pteranodon on that field. I guess the idea is to make the whole experience seem so weird nobody could believe it.

    Sometimes the UFO envelopes a car in its field and projects an alternate landscape around the people in the car. I know of a family going through a lot of UFO phenomena to whom this happened. While travelling in a car the whole landscape was temporarily changed into a desert. Whitley Strieber mentions something similar in his book Breakthrough. In these cases the experiencers never try to stop the car and explore the alternate landscape, almost as if they know subconciously that it’s not real.

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    I’ve seen that. When I was five and living in Spain with my family on the fifth floor of a condominium, two people visited me. I was in bed when a man and a woman wearing tunics passed through the glass of the window and into my room. They seemed perfectly human but short, under five feet. Their clothes ondulated like they were under water. The man had a beard and never got close. The woman came to the side of my bed and told me something that I don’t remember. I don’t remember her voice or if she spoke Spanish. She hugged me, joined her companion and exited through the same window. The whole time I had been abnormally calm. Then, like a spell had been broken, I realized how abnormal the situation was and got very scared. I told my mother the next morning that “there had been a lady at the window”. She thought I dreamed it, of course. Four years later, when we were already back in Puerto Rico, the lady came back. Only this time she visited my sisters.

    I don’t know what the explanation for all of these phenomena is, but I do believe that John Keel was on to something real. Only, instead of space aliens, other dimensions or the superspectrum, I personally find the idea of a hidden human civilization underground the most atractive.

    Comment by Mestiere — October 11, 2021 @ 8:13 am

  2. He could see clearly and was not replaced with the pod. Yet.

    Comment by BRIAN john KRAJCI — October 21, 2021 @ 11:29 pm

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