September 3, 2018

Special File – Volume Three (9): A Letter to Mary Hyre (January 8, 1968)

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online pharmacy Aurogra The next item in John’s “Special File” is a letter to Mary Hyre, written January 8, 1968, and following up on a telephone conversation from the night before. The Faye and Connie mentioned here are Mary Hyre’s sister, Faye Carpenter, and her daughter Connie, one of the first Mothman witnesses. “Jack Brown,” supposedly a Man In Black, and most certainly a disturbing character, has been making further trouble in Point Pleasant. Lester Holly was a UFO buff in the area.


  1. FWIW a search on Whitman Publishing revealed that it was a Racine Wisconsin firm founded in the early 1900’s most making childrens books. By the 1930’s they were also into publishing for coin collectors. If I am reading all this correctly, the woman harassed was Jaye. She would then be the source of this information.

    Comment by Clarence Carlson — September 4, 2018 @ 3:41 pm

  2. Yes, it was Jaye. John mentioned the incident earlier:

    Comment by Doug — September 4, 2018 @ 4:27 pm

  3. if John was implying that Faye’s baby (I i assume it did not survive?) was involved in the “alien” scheme to make hybrids, and he told Mary this…i just feel that was so irresponsible, and cruel. Did Mary pass this on to her sister? maybe not, she was apparently very sensible. but if she did, how awful for Faye to think someone they regarded as an expert was saying this. and might be true. GUILT! and if Mary didn’t, so much more added stress on her. This is the second letter I’ve read where i think he went beyond responsible behavior and into Paro-land. sorry Doug. if I’m wrong about my assumptions let me know. i do love John’s writings, but Jaye Paro was the trickster in disguise

    Comment by patty g — September 6, 2018 @ 5:46 pm

  4. […] it to me.” Similarly, “This is all a big and horrifying mess,” says John Keel in Special File–Volume Three (9): A Letter to Mary Hyre (January 8, 1968). John’s speaking of the latest doings in the Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Long Island, […]

    Pingback by Calvin Parker Interview – The Paracast | — September 7, 2018 @ 2:51 am

  5. My guess is Jaye pulled Whitman Publishing out of thin air and it just happened to match an actual company, albeit in a different location. There is a Walt Whitman Road in the area in which she lived, and it pretty much runs parallel to Sweet Hollow Road. And Sweet Hollow Road runs parallel to–wait for it–Mount Misery Road.

    Comment by J.P. — September 7, 2018 @ 4:00 pm

  6. Whitman was a popular publisher back then, especially of children’s books, comics, and games. Jaye probably had some as a kid.

    Comment by Doug — September 8, 2018 @ 8:44 am

  7. That does sound like what John is implying, but we don’t know what they talked about in their phone call. Mary was, of course, John’s colleague, and had some strange experiences herself, so they naturally talked about his research. At this point, John apparently believed they were in danger from hostile aliens. He may have believed that anyway, but Jaye was not a good influence.

    Comment by Doug — September 8, 2018 @ 8:58 am

  8. whitman publishing made my favorite horse race game, back in the 60’s. so it was real, and around for awhile.

    Comment by patty g — September 15, 2018 @ 3:07 pm

  9. I still have some of my old Whitman card games. Whitman is still around. These days, they specialize in books and albums for stamp and coin collectors.

    Comment by Doug — September 15, 2018 @ 4:54 pm

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