January 14, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (70): Questions (QA #4)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:23 pm John submitted another questionnaire to Apol, and included the response in his file. Apol (I suppose channeled by Jaye Paro) replied in crude red pencil; John transcribed the answers on these carbons.

A few notes: On page 2, the questions about people in caverns refer to Richard Shaver’s claims of underground cities, frequently discussed in UFO circles. Long John Nebel’s nightly radio show often focused on UFOs; Apol identified him as a contactee in an earlier questionnaire. John Lester wrote a series of articles on UFOs for the Newark Star-Ledger in 1958. I can’t identify Tom Everett Hilliard or “Charlie.” Gordon Evans wrote for Fate, Flying Saucers, and other magazines; Joseph Henslik was a contactee, according to John a confessed hoaxer; Don Estrella was a friend of John’s, mentioned in Chapter 9 of The Mothman Prophecies.

As I said about an earlier questionnaire, John’s questions are probably more interesting than the answers.

(Incidentally, I accidentally deleted the last dozen or so comments on this site while deleting spam. Sorry! No offense intended!)

January 2, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (68): A Red Top and the Petersons

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:13 pm

Happy New Year! Here, we continue with John’s “Special Cases” file. To anyone who hasn’t been following this, these are John Keel’s notes from 1967, which he later used for his book The Mothman Prophecies. Most of the notes are about Long Island, rather than Point Pleasant; I’m posting the files as he collected them. His primary contactee this year was Jaye Paro, a radio host at WBAB, who provided him with an avalanche of strange reports, mostly about her contacts with two aliens or androids named Apol (or Appell) and Agar. John found her stories credible, at least at the time.

The next installments concern a strange phone call and a report from Paro about a confused couple she met on Mt. Misery (long rumored to be haunted). John did own a small top, which he said a friend had given him; Paro’s aliens had asked about it before.

November 21, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (63): A Letter to the Aliens

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:12 am

John wrote to the supposed aliens on September 2, 1967. Among other topics, he mentions that Jaye Paro is tired of being a messenger, proposes setting up a communication center in an abandoned farmhouse, offers to let them possess him, and muses on his time in India. And, as he says at the end, “September promises to be a busy month for all of us.”

A few notes: John sent several questionnaires to Apol/Appell, receiving usually evasive answers; the library is the Lucis Trust library; Tim’na is the aliens’ name for Jaye Paro.

October 31, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (61): The Lucis Trust

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:39 pm

At the end of August (we’re still in 1967), Jaye Paro tells John to look for a book in the Lucis Trust library. He does so, and finds passages underlined in red pencil. Apol’s letters were written in red pencil. Did Jaye mark up the book? Did someone else, and then tell her to tell John? I suspect the former, but I guess we can’t know.

The Lucis Trust was founded in 1922 by Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey, to publish her books, which are apparently influenced by H. P. Blavatsky (I’ve read some Blavatsky, but no Bailey).

And we have more stories from Jaye: this time, an attempt to gas her, and a frozen phone.

October 22, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (60): A New Threat!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 3:09 pm

John’s daily record continues with more drama from Jaye Paro: a new alien, Rodan, threatens to murder four people she knows if she doesn’t stop her contact with “those people.” Apol/Appell had previously given Paro the name “Tim’na” in a letter to John. Of course, if she actually wrote the letter, she would know about her new name. More puzzling, perhaps, is the report from John’s girlfriend Gerda, about a small disc outside her window.

October 8, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (58): Funny Things

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:50 pm

In the middle of August, 1967, John’s primary contactee Jaye Paro is out of town, so “things have been generally quiet.” Then she returns, and has more “funny things” to report. There are also reports of phone hoaxes from ufologists Joan Whritenouer and June Larson, and the puzzle of Gray Barker’s envelopes turning up in Philadelphia. Ivan Sanderson says that the vitamin supplements Apol recommended have made him feel better. He was not, by the way, a transvestite, but did often wear a robe.

September 17, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (55): Frank Davis Is in Trouble

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:42 pm

John’s record continues… Jaye Paro reports on her last broadcast from the Burning Embers restaurant. Frank Davis, an Air Force lieutenant who had once questioned her, and who occasionally showed up at her shows, is taken off by two men in a “large, expensive car.” Jaye says that she had received a letter in red pencil; John notes that she never saw Apol’s red penciled letters, although all of Apol’s correspondence came through her. Jaye also found a Gideon Bible with her initials in it, just as John had found his name in one. She also asks about Mt. Echo, WV; the town does exist, although I don’t know what was going on there then.

September 5, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (53): The Questionnaire, Continued

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 8:27 pm

Below is the rest of the questionnaire that John sent to Apol (through Jaye Paro, as usual). He noted the answers on the carbon; the originals were in faint red pencil. I suppose there are many ways to read this. Probably the least productive is as the genuine response of an alien (even if Apol was real, he was not very informative); the most productive may be as a record of John’s questions about the continuing UFO puzzle, vintage 1967. What would John Keel ask an alien? Many topics are mentioned: the origin of the aliens, their physical bodies, their religion, their government, their plans, their use of stolen and mutilated animals, and more.


August 29, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (52): The Questionnaire (1-Q)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 4:16 pm

As it turns out, Apol was not replaced by Rubin, but remained in contact with Jaye Paro. (Nor was Rubin completely out of the picture; he does show up later.) In August, John started sending Apol/Paro questionnaires, which were duly returned, with answers scrawled in red pencil. John kept his correspondence with Apol in a separate file; I posted about it here. The first of these questionnaires now follows in the Long Island file; John noted Apol’s answers on a carbon, since the originals are very faint.

1967 ufology is now often obscure, so here are some notes: John defined the 3rd Eye that Apol mentions as a group of “hostile or malevolent ultraterrestrials”; “Project B” was one of his pamphlets, reprinting an article from Flying Saucer Review. The list of possible contactees includes confessed contactees (Adamski, Schmidt, Childers, Menger, Renaud, Derenberger, Kiehl, Kittredge) as well as writers (Trevor James Constable, McGraw, Fuller, Michel, Davis) and a number of generals (Eisenhower, Marshall, MacArthur, Vandenburg). Otis T. Carr promoted free energy devices and tried to build a saucer, but didn’t claim contact. “Long John” Nebel had a radio talk show that often featured contactees, but never claimed contact either. Donald Estrella was a friend of John’s; he’s mentioned in The Mothman Prophecies.

Lee Childers lived in Detroit, and called himself Prince Neosom. Joao Freitas de Guimaraes had a UFO experience in Brazil in 1958; it was similar to Menger’s stories. Aimé Michel wrote a book called Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. Isabel Davis was a member of Civilian Saucer Intelligence. Gloria Lee was another contactee, who died after a long fast in 1962.

The questionnaire is eight pages; the first four pages follow…


August 21, 2017

Special Cases – The Long Island File (51): Just Another Average Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:13 pm

We return to the file… On July 31, John wrote another letter to the supposed aliens, asking them to make their presence known, and including a questionnaire. I haven’t posted the letter here, since it’s long and similar to John’s earlier ones. (Apol later answered the questionnaire; that’s coming up in the file.)

So, here’s the record for August 1-3. Jaye Paro and another contactee, Louise, have a lot to report, including fires, a black Cadillac, orders to buy sunglasses and salt, an armed assailant, and more. John is particularly perplexed by the sound of crying baby, which occurs in other UFO cases, and inspires many Crybaby Bridges throughout the US. Rubin has now replaced Apol, but his bumbling antics soon get him sent back “home.” As John notes, “It was just another average day in the life of Jaye P. and J.K.”

A footnote: Ivan Sanderson didn’t die “soon,” but in 1973.

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