November 10, 2019

A Letter to June Larson, May 26, 1966

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:53 am

Seroquel prices John responds to June Larson, who was supplying him with UFO clippings. Back then, this was all done with paper and postage, which cost money, so he’s trying to narrow down the subject matter and reduce costs. $30 or $40 a week was expensive, particularly since he was earning less with UFO research than he had with comedy writing. Of particular note here, I think, is his list of subjects of interest.


  1. Did John go on to write the non-UFO book he mentions here?

    This was May ’66 and I’m assuming The Fickle Finger of Fate was already written and he wasn’t referring to that.

    Comment by Tim — November 12, 2019 @ 4:26 pm

  2. The Fickle Finger of Fate came out in June, so it was probably written by then. He may have been referring to Town Tease or Love That Spy, which were also written around that time.

    Comment by Doug — November 12, 2019 @ 8:03 pm

  3. Sort of a shame he limited the clipping service. For me at least! His files would have contained so many sightings from that era and been a unique repository. Even more than now. Did June supply others and who were her other clients? Was she able to copy articles, or did John receive the original newspaper clipping? We know the Playboy article didn’t materialize. Did John write the non ufo book, and was the book he said was partially written include the Playboy material as you have mentioned? Were clipping services like this common for writers or researchers? Hard to believe how getting information was such a slow and hit and miss process. Spoiled by internet.

    Comment by patty g — November 12, 2019 @ 11:00 pm

  4. So many questions! June Larson did supply other researchers; I think her main client was NICAP. I think she copied the articles. My guess is that the non-UFO book was one of John’s pseudonymous novels, maybe Town Tease or Love That Spy! It also could have been a project that he pitched, but was not accepted. The rejected Playboy article became the book Operation Trojan Horse. There were other clipping services; Lucius Farish’s “UFO Newsclipping Service” was a popular one. And yes, the internet has changed everything!

    Comment by Doug — November 13, 2019 @ 8:47 am

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