July 25, 2016

Special Cases – The Long Island File (1): A Letter to Charles Bowen

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:11 am

Pregabalin mail order 1967 was an especially busy year for John, and he kept a running record of his activities. He called it his “Special Cases File,” and it included correspondence, clippings, and diary entries, collected into a series of binders. I’ve posted material from the first one, and I’ll now head into the second. I’m sorry to disappoint Mothman fans, but there’s more here about Long Island than Point Pleasant.

John’s daily life became extremely strange at this time, as he did his best to keep up with a barrage of weirdness, mixed in with hoaxes and dead ends: all in the hope of finding out what was happening, and getting some salable copy from it. A lot of it seems crazy now, but he was following leads with his usual thoroughness, and, apparently, enjoying the excitement.

Below is John’s note at the beginning of the file, followed by a letter to Charles Bowen, editor of the British Flying Saucer Review. The letter sums up John’s research at that time, and goes into some interesting details, including his ambiguous opinion of Woodrow Derenberger.





  1. […] a certain craziness wherever strangeness occurs, which does not help the cause of UAP witnesses. In Special Cases: The Long Island File (1) we leave you to decide if the information imparted to John Keel in 1967 was real, or simply the […]

    Pingback by The Uneasy Skies: A History of Airliner and UFO Encounters – Inexplicata | We Seek the Truth! — July 27, 2016 @ 10:52 am

  2. I wonder if these craft are advanced technology that has been rigged to be able to be used by humans. For instance, a rope ladder hanging from a disk. You read a lot of reports of advanced technology with parts that seem very familiar to the witness.

    Comment by Solomon — July 28, 2016 @ 7:02 pm


    Comment by patty g — June 15, 2017 @ 8:27 pm

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