September 15, 2012

A Point Pleasant Notebook

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Kandalaksha This weekend the tenth “Mothman Festival” is taking place in Point Pleasant. It’s organized by Jeff Wamsley; details are here. So, now seems a good time for some of John’s notes from Point Pleasant.

These pages come from a small notebook he used on his trips there. Most of the book is taken up with the nuts and bolts of reportage: names, phone numbers, and directions. Here are some of the more interesting pages. There are no great revelations, but you get to see John at work; and his notes for April 3, 1967 are particularly vivid.









  1. What’s the point in investigating something of this strangeness, if when you are about to encounter it, you are too afraid to? I know he may have had good intentions, but I really think he needs to re-evaluate his priorities. Fear is not an option when dealing with the unknown. It needs to be suppressed.

    Comment by mfritz0 — September 17, 2012 @ 10:52 am

  2. I think John was suppressing his fear; that’s why he mentioned it.

    Comment by Doug — September 17, 2012 @ 12:07 pm

  3. Anyone would be afraid but if you’ve read through his books you’ll find he overcame his fear numerous times when others would have tucked tail and ran. Especially when the reports during these sightings from witnesses said the sightings were accompanied by a debilitating sense of terror. He was one of the best investigators this field has had and has seen since. Sometimes the emotions these things emit make fear an inevitable part of investigations.

    Comment by kl2881 — September 17, 2012 @ 1:19 pm

  4. @mfritz0…You´d have to understand what he was “feeling“ in order to walk a mile in his shoes. I´ve encounted these things before myself and something about them touches something primal in your mind that has never been touched before. In my upbringing I was trained not to be afraid of anything no matter how new or strange it may be. A healthy regard for the things that “could“ hurt me was also instilled in me. You observe while standing very still and remain as safe as possible. To say these mothmen are huge is a gross understatement. Whenever you put yourself in a position of learning new things you know it´s not always wise to go crashing through the underbrush to catch whatever is out there. Some have done so to discover death waiting for them there. If you´re dead you´re no use to anyone anymore. I´ve only had the experiences I had because I was taught never to run from a wild animal because those who eat mean love to chase their prey. That´s how they can tell if the prey if healthy or not. When you´re in a situation where you cannot run and make it to safety or you cannot put up a defense you´re left just standing your ground. He sensed that there were more than two of something that could hurt him outside the safety of his car. Why put yourself into a dangerous situation when you don´t have to? Live to fight another day. @Doug….In a situation where you may have to defend your own life you tend to supress your fear in order to have a better chance. I don´t think that mfritz0 can relate to that. It´s possibly something you only know if you´ve learned it first hand.

    Comment by Patty Roe — September 17, 2012 @ 1:21 pm

  5. I recall John referring to ‘fear zones’ in The Mothman Prophecies. These were areas where at times he experienced intense feelings of fear and panic. He also noted that this was symptom of EM or microwave exposure. This dovetails with Michael Persinger’s theory of magnetic fields and ‘Earth energy’ impact on UFO and paranormal phenomenon. I Googled ‘John Keel’ and microwaves and found this site.

    Comment by Ron — September 18, 2012 @ 9:24 am

  6. this is too get to read the eyewitness accounts as recorded by keel… thanks!!

    Comment by patty gallagher — September 20, 2012 @ 3:14 am

  7. Wow. I had no idea his notebooks would even still be around somewhere! I read through these and was quite struck by them… a slap in the face…plain, unadorned, to the point and vivid. I have been re-reading OTH yet again and have been even more impressed by his commentary than I have in the past. I think few of us really do get it… but it is obvious to me his legacy will not diminish but grow with time. He has made inroads I think – again – only a few right now can really appreciate. Thanks for the eye-opening notes!

    Comment by James — April 18, 2013 @ 2:52 pm

  8. Well, you’re quite welcome… And there’s more to come!

    Comment by Doug — April 18, 2013 @ 5:10 pm

  9. I am seeking permission to feature the images of John’s 4-3-67 notebook pages for my #GOERMAN blog entry “FEAR vs OPPORTUNITY.” John Keel was not the first, not the only, and certainly not the last to let fear rob him of a possible opportunity. If we are to learn more about these “mysteries,” people are going to have to greet these things minus our human tendencies for fear or violence. Unless, of course, this panic is somehow artificially triggered by the phenomenon. If it is not, then serious investigators are going to have to consider what dialogue to pursue should contact be made. This is an area sorely lacking in today’s research. Keep up the great work!

    Comment by Robert Goerman — February 24, 2015 @ 3:43 pm

  10. Well, sure, you can use it on your blog. I will point out that John admitted he was scared, but stuck it out. I don’t know if he did get out of that car, though.

    Comment by Doug — February 24, 2015 @ 5:30 pm

  11. […] De nombreuses informations sur l’enquête réalisée par John Keel à Point Pleasant se trouvent sur ce site qui lui est consacré, notamment la reproduction de courriers de Mary Hyre, journaliste à Point Pleasant adressés à John Keel à propos des événements, ainsi que plusieurs articles qu’elle a écrit sur les événements qui se sont déroulés dans cette petite ville, notamment à propos de l’effondrement du pont. D’autres articles de presse (voir aussi cette page) consacrés aux apparitions du mothman sont également reproduits. Sur cette page sont reproduites les pages d’un carnet de notes évoquant les événements décrits dans le chapitre 10 de l’ouvrage. D’autres notes prises au cours de son enquête le 3 avril 1967 sont reproduites sur cette autre page. […]

    Pingback by Bibliographie des travaux de John Keel | Pulp Sciences – Pluralité des mondes — April 11, 2015 @ 3:37 am

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