January 29, 2012

John Keel’s Book Inscriptions (6)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:06 pm

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This is how John signed a copy of his last book, The Best of John Keel, a collection of his Fate columns, published by Galde Press.  He delayed writing an introduction for it, partially because he was in and out of the hospital, and partially because he was having trouble writing.  Eventually, I ended up writing the introduction, just to get it published.


  1. Mr. Skinner, thanks for keeping John Keel’s memory alive. I remember being a kid and reading an old paperback of the Mothman Prophesy the first time completely mesmerized. He saw the world as a very interesting and whacky place and that we didnt have all the answers to the questions. I feel very fortunate to have had a chance to read some of his books and to get to know the author a little better though your posts. He was a very multifaceted individual with a keen wit. I wish him well wherever he might be now, somewhere through the looking glass.

    Comment by Mike Nemeth — February 10, 2012 @ 9:47 pm

  2. Thanks! There was definitely nobody else like him. Well, check back; there’s more coming…

    Comment by Doug — February 10, 2012 @ 11:17 pm

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