July 14, 2014

John Keels Over!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 12:50 am From the 6th issue of Shavertron (Winter 1980) comes this article:  John was attending a UFO conference in NYC, and was questioned about Richard Shaver by Mike Cohen.  Obviously, he was suffering at the time from his diabetes, which had not yet been diagnosed.

It’s taken from Shavertron: The Mimeograph Years, a collection of the Shaver zine that Richard Toronto published for many years.  I suspect many Keel fans will enjoy it.  There’s not much JAK, but there’s a full menu of ’80s forteana: the Shaver Mystery, mutes, UFOs, Alternative 3, rock books, the hollow earth, and more, all in the scrappy fanzine format that served us so well before the internet.  You can find it at over here.



  1. Yeah, that sure sounds like diabetes. In part, anyway. What a glimpse! Thank you, Doug.

    Comment by William J. Grabowski — July 21, 2014 @ 3:17 am

  2. John used to talk about how hard life was before he was diagnosed. He knew something was wrong, but didn’t know what. Once he learned he had diabetes, at least he knew how to control it.

    Comment by Doug — July 21, 2014 @ 12:14 pm

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