September 3, 2011

Drawings by Silent Contactees (12)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:32 pm SCDRAWINGS14

For the eleventh drawing, we return to the dome, or cave, or whatever it was, that we saw earlier, for the other half of Figure 5.


If this is a voyage, we may have returned; and the family can scale that ladder and go on with its life.  It may be significant that the focus was on the family earlier in the series, and is now on that curious pair to the left.


  1. Hello,
    I really enjoy your site as I’m a huge Keel fan.
    Question for you: Do you know and can you tell me what Keel’s secret question that he used to judge the validity of a contactee’s story. Moreover, Keel mentioned a key question he would ask contactees which helped him sort true contactees from others. Do you know what that question is?
    Thanks and thanks for all the great info on Keel.

    Comment by jay — September 8, 2011 @ 4:18 pm

  2. Hmm — I don’t know about one secret question. He did have a number of questions, which changed as he continued his research, and as his ideas evolved. One of them was to ask the witnesses if they had received any unusual phone calls. They often had, and were surprised that he would ask. But I’ll see if I can dig up anything more on this…

    Comment by Doug — September 8, 2011 @ 11:03 pm

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