January 7, 2018

Special Cases – The Long Island File (69): An Operation and a Letter

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:30 pm

buy stromectol online in u.k On September 14, 1967, John noted that Jaye Paro underwent a kidney operation. I wondered if her condition, or some medication to treat it, might cause vivid dreams or hallucinations, but a physician I asked (Dr. Mamie Caton) said it was unlikely, particularly over several months.  Sodium pentothal, in addition to its reputation as a truth serum, was once a common sedative.

The same day, John wrote another letter to Paro’s aliens (Tim’na is Paro), sending another questionnaire and taking them to task for their behavior. Does anyone know who “Mr. Alexander” was? Googling turns up many, but I don’t know which one fits the context here.


  1. Perhaps Mr. Alexander is the “Zdeen Alexander” mentioned in OUR HAUNTED PLANET? An alleged MIB, like the Carlos Allende?

    Comment by Paul Thompson — January 17, 2018 @ 8:26 am

  2. That must be it! And he was active in the ’60s, which makes sense. I googled the name, and only got hits for Our Haunted Planet. I suppose his exploits are buried in old UFO newsletters.

    Comment by admin — January 18, 2018 @ 8:53 am

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