July 18, 2016

A Letter from Mary Hyre, June 7, 1967

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:11 am

cytotec in Canada Mary continued to keep John informed on the sightings in Point Pleasant. This letter reports on a Mothman encounter and two UFO sightings. I apologize for cutting off the top of the letter; John stapled several of these sheets together, and I wanted to keep them intact.




  1. One of my favorite Keel themes is that of the “mystery planes”. He reported on it in his writings and Mary appears to have witnessed one herself. I’m unaware of any other writer or researcher who has mentioned these. They get shrugged off, probably because the average witness doesn’t perceive how strangely these thing behave. Thanks.

    Comment by Clarence Carlson — July 18, 2016 @ 10:38 am

  2. I’ve always felt that one of the most fascinating of the Keel reports is that of the “mystery plane”. No one else seems to have ever really picked up on this, a testament to his investigative acuity as a reporter and writer. They operated around witnesses who always seem to shrug them off as “Air force”. Mary apparently saw one, as had Keel himself. There is no end of the weirdness that he uncovered. Thanks for posting this.

    Comment by Clarence Carlson — July 18, 2016 @ 10:43 am

  3. Hi Clarence, good observation. Unfortunately, as Keel slowly fades into memory and his message fading with him, the new Oculus Rift generations will all have forgotten about the ‘phantom place’ phemnomenon.

    Comment by Theo Paijmans — August 2, 2016 @ 6:44 pm

  4. On another note, you are right about the ‘phantom plane’ notion – I found a few accounts outside Keel’s canon – demonstrating the phenomenon is real, at least to some folks! But therein lies the strength of Keel: he catalogued phenomena nobody ever thought of.

    Comment by Theo Paijmans — August 2, 2016 @ 6:51 pm

  5. I saw what I would call a phantom plane about a year or so ago in the Philadelphia area. A friend and I were outside in the parking lot of a row of townhomes, when suddenly a plane appeared directly overhead. Since it was early evening, it seems impossible that we simply hadn’t noticed it coming toward us. Moments before I had looked toward the skies in the direction it could have traveled from and had seen that it was clear. It seemed like a large passenger plane flying pretty low. It passed overhead and slowly traveled on. We suspect it was a hyperdimensional craft suddenly uncloaking before us, but still disguised as something terrestrial. Amazing.

    Comment by Seeker — August 12, 2016 @ 11:15 pm

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