March 11, 2013

Keel and Sanderson Try to Write a Book (3)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 11:01 pm

can i get cytotec without a prescription? After the last exchange of letters, Ivan Sanderson fired off a short note to John, full of enthusiasm for the subject and for the proposed book.  He also attached a 16-page talk he had given to a local UFO group.  The title (if you’re curious) is “Notes on a New Concept: This may be described as a General Biological Field Theory of a cosmic nature.”  Vintage Sanderson!


Two days later, he responded to the criticisms that John had written to their agent, Ollie Swan.  He puts up a lively defense; and points out his years of experience in writing and speaking for the public.  There’s also an interesting bit in there about the “worrying matter of Forteanism.”  He also attached a few pages on the different kinds of ufologists, and a transcript of the Q. & A. from his talk to the UFO group.  (I haven’t included the attachments, since they’re long and faint carbons).






  1. I LOVE this blog! These letters are priceless. Keep it going, please.

    Comment by Bill Ectric — March 20, 2013 @ 11:35 am

  2. Glad you enjoy it! More is on the way…

    Comment by Doug — March 20, 2013 @ 12:24 pm

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