April 28, 2019

The Reeves Papers (6)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:11 pm John included in the file several pictures that he didn’t refer to in the text: a photo of some alien writing credited to George Adamski, another page of Bliss symbols, comparisons of “ancient pictorial signs,” and another page of symbols with an interpretation of the Socorro insignia. Next, we’ll have John’s attempts to analyze and decipher the second Reeves sheet.

April 21, 2019

The Reeves Papers (5)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 7:52 pm

“The Reeves Papers: A Modern Rosetta Stone?” concludes with some speculations on the purpose of the two sheets, particularly given that the first seems to be a simple substitution cipher, and the second doesn’t. John also guesses at the meaning of a few of the symbols, using the Bliss system.

The article seems to end here, but the file contains other pages of drawings not mentioned in the text, some incomplete earlier drafts, and a number of valiant (although unsuccessful) attempts to decipher the second sheet. So, we’ll continue with those next.

April 14, 2019

The Reeves Papers (4)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 5:14 pm

Below are the next two pages of John’s article “The Reeves Papers: A Modern Rosetta Stone?”, his analysis of the supposed alien writing reported by John Reeves in i965, followed by the illustrations indicated in the text. Here he considers the possibility of a hoax and the universality of simple signs. He then reports corroboration from one his “silent contactees.”

April 7, 2019

The Reeves Papers (3)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 9:25 pm

We continue with John’s article, “The Reeves Papers: A Modern Rosetta Stone?” As I said before, I don’t know if this was published. I don’t know what the red numerals indicate; I assume they refer to illustrations, but they don’t correspond to the supplementary pages of drawings.

John links the symbols reported by UFO witnesses to the “Unified Symbolism for World Understanding in Science” developed by C. K. Bliss and Oliver L. Reiser in the early 1950s. Here are the next two pages, followed by the relevant illustrations. The Socorro insignia was reported by Lonnie Zamorra in two sightings in Socorro, NM in 1964. There’s more to come!



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